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Ever wonder when certain doctrines were introduced in the church.  Here is a list of doctrines introduced in the church.  These doctrines are found no where in scripture.

200 AD -

Immersion of infants who are dying, but considered sinless. (Tertullian V.12)

250 AD- 

North Africa region is first to practice infant baptism and reduced the age of baptism from minors to all newborns. This is opposed by other regions.

257 AD- 

Baptism by sprinkling for adults instead of immersion first used as an exception for those on sick beds, but it caused great dispute.

300 AD- 

Prayers for the dead

300 AD

Making sign of the cross

320 AD 

Special dress code of the clergy in worship

325 AD

At the general council of Nice, 325, it was proposed indeed, probably by the Western bishop Hosius, to forbid entirely the marriage of priests; but the motion met with strong opposition, and was rejected.

325 AD

The date for Easter was set.

375 AD

Use of images in worship

379 AD

Praying to Mary & Saints. (prayers of Ephraim Syrus)

385 AD

In the West, the first prohibition of clerical marriage, which laid claim to universal ecclesiastical authority, proceeded in 385 from the Roman church in the form of a decretal letter of the bishop Siricius to Himerius, bishop of Tarragona in Spain.

389 AD

Mariolatry begins with Gregory Nazianzen, who mentions in a eulogy, how Justina had besought the virgin Mary to protect her virginity.

389 AD

Mass as Daily Celebration

416 AD

Infant baptism by immersion commanded of all infants (Council Of Mela, Austin was the principal director)

430 AD

Exhalation of Virgin Mary: "Mother of God" first applied by the Council of Ephesus

502 AD

Special dress code of the Clergy all the time.

500 AD

The "Habit" of Nuns (Black gowns with white tunics)

519 AD


526 AD

Extreme Unction (last rites)

593 AD

The Doctrine of Purgatory popularized from the Apocrypha by Gregory the Great

600 AD

First use of Latin in worship (Gregory I)

Beginning of the Orthodox/Roman Catholic church as we know it today in its present organization.

607 AD

 First Pope: Boniface III is the first person to take the title of "universal Bishop" by decree of Emperor Phocas.

608 AD

Pope Boniface IV. turns the Pantheon in Rome into a temple of Mary ad martyres: the pagan Olympus into a Christian heaven of gods.

670 AD

Instrumental music: first organ by Pope Vitalian

709 AD

Kissing of Pope Constantine's feet

753 AD

Baptism by sprinkling for those on sick beds officially accepted.

787 AD

Worship of icons and statue approved (2nd council of Nicea)

787 AD

Rome (Latin) and Constantinople (Greek) part ways and begin the drift towards complete split, resulting in two denominations emerging in 1054 AD.

850 AD

Burning of Holy Candles

Holy Water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by the priest, was authorized

Veneration of St. Joseph

965 AD

Baptism of bells instituted by Pope John XIII

995 AD

Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV

998 AD

Good Friday: fish only and the eating-red meat forbidden

1009 AD

Holy water

1022 AD


1054 AD

Roman Catholics officially embrace instrumental music, Orthodox reject instrumental music down to the present time.

1079 AD

Celibacy enforced for priests, bishops, presbyters (Pope Gregory VII)

1090 AD

Rosary beads: invented by Peter the Hermit

1095 AD

Instrumental music

1190 AD

Sale of Indulgences or "tickets to sin" (punishment of sin removed)

1215 AD

Transubstantiation by Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council- Learn more about Pope Innocent on our Hard Facts page.   His inquisitions were responsible for the death of over 1 million people. 

1215 AD

Auricular Confession of sins to priests instituted by Pope Innocent III, (Lateran Council)

1215 AD

Mass a Sacrifice of Christ

1217 AD

Adoration and Elevation of Host: ie. communion bread (Pope Honrius III)

1230 AD

Ringing bells at Mass

1251 AD

The Scapular, the brown cloak worn by monks invented by Simon Stock

1268 AD

Priestly power of absolution- CONFESSION of sin to a priest.

1311 AD

Baptism by sprinkling accepted as the universal standard instead of immersion for all, not just the sick. (Council of Ravenna)

1414 AD

Laity no longer offered Lord's cup at communion (Council of Constance)

1439 AD

Purgatory a dogma by the Council of Florence (see 593 AD)

1439 AD

Doctrine of Seven Sacraments affirmed

1480 AD

The Inquisition (of Spain)

1495 AD

Papal control of marriage rights

1534 AD

Order of Jesuits founded by Loyola

1545 AD

Man-made tradition of church made equal to Bible (Council of Trent)

1545 AD

Apocryphal books added to Bible (Council of Trent)

1546 AD

Justification by human works of merit

1546 AD

Mass universally said in Latin (see 600 AD)

1547 AD


1560 AD

Personal opinions of Pope Pius IV imposed as the official creed

1854 AD

Immaculate conception of Mary

1864 AD

Syllabus Errorum [Syllabus of Errors] proclaimed that "Catholic countries" could not tolerate other religions, (no freedom of religion), conscience, separation of church and State condemned, asserted the Pope's temporal authority over all civil rulers (Ratified by Pope Pius IX and Vatican Council) condemned

1870 AD

Infallibility of Pope (Vatican council)


Confirmed Unum Sanctum (no salvation outside of the Catholic Church).

1908 AD

All Catholics should be christened into the church

1930 AD

Public Schools condemned by Pope Pius XII (see 1864 AD)

1950 AD

Assumption of the body of the Virgin Mary into heaven shortly after her death. (Pope Pius XII)

1954 AD

Immaculate conception of Mary proclaimed by Pope Pius XII

1995 AD

The use of girls in the traditional altar boy duties

1996 AD

Catholics can believe in Evolution (Pope John Paul II)

See the following website for additional doctrines and scriptures that oppose them.

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